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 About us for deen sikho

Deen sikho

My name is Imi, I am from a small village in Gujarat, friend, I love to read Islamic books, so to learn islamic knowledge, I keep reading islamic book urdu, gujarati, so I read islamic urdu book, I am a deen sikh, this islamic blog. It is a small attempt to deliver islamic article to every friend of faith through the medium of islamic knowledge because the ilm that benefits me is to deliver the ilm to friends like you along with doing amal and spreading deen ki baat from niyat to this islamic blog has been created, I hope you will read this Islamic post of deen sikho blog and pass it on to other friends, God willing.

 Friends you can read islamic knowledge, islamic post, islamic story, hadees, hadis ki baatein, sunate our adab on our deen sikho blog insha allah.

 Friends if you have any question or want to ask something then contact us



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एक टिप्पणी भेजें